Tyre Shine/Glass Cleaner


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Couple questions - anybody recomend a really good tyre shine? I was using the Megs spray stuff and was really good but didn't give off a really dark shine which I'm looking for, I'm talking about showroom shine. Tried the Turtle Wax stuff aswell, it's like a liquid and you rub it on and give it couple minutes and wipe excess, smells ace but is shit! So any ideas?

Also looking for a good window cleaner, using RainX at the moment and when had my Si (without tints) gave of an amazing shine but with the tints on the GTi just seems to smear even through tried lots of different materials of cloths. Same with my AutoGlym fastglass cleaner, leaving smears on the inside. Don't know if i've just fucked it up cleaning windows since got the GTi or it's the tints doing it!?

Sorry for long random post.
The Megs endurance gel is the best one I've used, lasts for ages, but defo use gloves with it, as its minking stuff, for the glass I use Auto glym fast glass, and its that good the mrs keeps pinching it to do the house windows :rolleyes:
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