Which Almera do you own poll

Which Almera do you own?

  • N15 1.4

    Votes: 45 14.2%
  • N15 1.6

    Votes: 28 8.8%
  • N15 GTi

    Votes: 127 39.9%
  • N15 Other

    Votes: 26 8.2%
  • N16 1.5

    Votes: 38 11.9%
  • N16 1.8

    Votes: 34 10.7%
  • N16 2.2 derv

    Votes: 18 5.7%
  • N16 Other

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • N15 2.0 Dervil

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Im gay and I own an N14

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I dont have mod powers to edit the poll any longer, so Sam you just remove 1 from your vote and add 1 to other :). Although technically yours is still a GTi :P
This poll is rubbish. It needs to be started again but really accurately i.e

N15 Gti
N15 VZR N1
N15 VZR N1 Version 2
N15 Gti Autech
N15 Gti Import 1.8
N15 Gti SR20DE + T
N15 Gti SR20DET
N15 1.4 Si 3 Door
N15 1.4 Si 5 Door
N15 1.4 GX
N15 1.6 SRI
N15 5 Door SR20DE Conversion
N15 3 Door SR20DE Conversion

Etc etc, you get the picture, someone with more model knowledge than myself should do a full list in here then we can get a better thread going. Also with the poll, have the users name shown, people who want to see that model can just link off from the name...
Well, it was only to get an idea really Mark, between chassis and engines, not every model under the sun! Do we really need to know that?! Some grey areas anyway with modding. One exmaple, Damo's N1. It's a version 1 with a version 2 ECU...

Aanyway, bump for new members to vote.
bump for the newbies who haven't voted yet.

Tommo, wezz and craig I've moved your votes as needed ;)
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