white dials

I would be interrested in a couple for phase 1. but how about installation? allready broke my stock speedo.
Ive got a set that i bought off wildchild. I cant be bothered to install them, Someone can have em' for £25 delived, they are complete with correct cables etc. Not the cheap ebay jobbies.
wires and stuff?? so this is a complete dial system? or just the plates with numbers?? pardon me for asking newb..
Hi, maybe i can ask there than start a new similar thread... will VZ-R dashboard work in GTi? If someone done it before... thanks for help.
I was thinking about changing the bulbs to blue but how do you get to the dials?
D/C the battery, Unscrew the cover in front of the plastic glass, lower the steering column and then what? Ive got the Haynes manual but it doesn't say anything about actually getting to the dials. Do I have to take the needles off to get behind the fascia? etc..

Can anyone give me step by step instructions maybe because I dont want to mess up anything....
Unscrew the centre console and "pop it off", then if you've unscrewed the two screws in the speedo surround, that should pull straight out with a little manouevering around the centre console and steering wheel.

After that, I think the actual dials are screwed in with 3 screws (if i remember right), undo them and pull the unit out far enough to disconnect the three cable connectors behind it... then to change the bulbs, they're at the back of the unit and just unscrew about quarter turn then pull straight out.

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