Righty-ho. Not been around for a while because work has been a bit mental and I've not been doing anything interesting with the car. Spent last weekend removing the rust that was all over the tailgate and all four arches. Was going to be impossible to get a decent DIY paint job done on the metallic blue so just did the best I could figuring anything was better than rust. It turned out about as well as could be expected (pretty ugly but better than rust). Was going to camouflage the dodgy paint-job with big vinyl stripes or something an hope I could get at least another year out of her before having to think about either a complete renovation or selling her.
However, on the way home on Tuesday my clutch packed in (overtaking on a motorway with no hard shoulder, of course!). Assuming that's all that I broke I should get it back tomorrow.
Long story short is that although I still love driving her there are now so many niggles and things needing replaced or fixed that it's time for us to part ways. I've got a new car lined up for next weekend so assuming that does not fall through I'll be putting her up for sale on a spares/repairs basis soon. I won't be breaking as I don't have space, time, energy or any way to get the remains to a scrappy.
I'm still coming to JAE and hope that I'll be welcome on the AOC stand without an Almera (I'm taking a leaf from Ed's book and getting a Starlet )
However, on the way home on Tuesday my clutch packed in (overtaking on a motorway with no hard shoulder, of course!). Assuming that's all that I broke I should get it back tomorrow.
Long story short is that although I still love driving her there are now so many niggles and things needing replaced or fixed that it's time for us to part ways. I've got a new car lined up for next weekend so assuming that does not fall through I'll be putting her up for sale on a spares/repairs basis soon. I won't be breaking as I don't have space, time, energy or any way to get the remains to a scrappy.
I'm still coming to JAE and hope that I'll be welcome on the AOC stand without an Almera (I'm taking a leaf from Ed's book and getting a Starlet )