10,000k HID's

ooo i didnt know that, assumed the bigger the number the brighter they were, a bit like candle power ratings...
CoV said:
ooo i didnt know that, assumed the bigger the number the brighter they were, a bit like candle power ratings...
thats what I thorght till I read ebay saying that the Higher the K the lower the light
don't quote me on it though :rolleyes:

I found it
xlsperformance said:
* Please note: most customers have a common misconception that the higher the K (Kelvin temperature) the brighter it gets, but in fact, it is the opposite. The K rating is inversely proportional to the light output, therefore the lower the K the brighter the light output.
Source: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/XENON-HID-CON...ryZ72235QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

there is a chart on the link giving you how many Lumens the lights produce
isnt kelvin supposed to be absolute zero degrees temperature? high the value the hotter something is? hotter usually means brighter... hmm research time
CoV said:
with HID do you get dipped and high beam i.e. twin filament in a halogen..?
you can with the H4's

the N16's uses H7 dipped and then H7 high beam so they are seperate (on the Phase 2 anyway) its different on the phase 1

the H4's are a bit more expensive but its 2 light bulb in 1 don't remember

If I wanted High beam on my N16 I would have to buy another set of H7's when as you just add on about £20 and get both

anyway I think the kelvin just changes the color from white to blue to purple

similar to this
remember back in school science the Bunsen Burner

no 1 is not as hot as number 4
but no 1 gives off more light then no:4
From http://www.h-i-d.co.uk/

# Kelvin is a measure of colour temperature and NOT the actual lighting power or output
# It is generally accepted that the best Kelvin rating for optimal human night vision is between 3800 and 5500 K
# Anything over 5750 K and human vision and depth perception is significantly reduced
# Anything over 6000 K and the actual lighting output/power reduces exponentially
# Many companies claim to offer 8000- 12000 K Bulbs ...if this were true the headlight would shine DARK BLUE TO EVEN DARKER PURPLE !!

Not sure how accurate that is but sounds about right.
TallPaul86 said:
Didn't have a PC then matey :) melted hard drives are a buggar likes...

Plus its handy to see where the parts are, what you need and getting the correct part numbers for your car so i can find out prices quicker at my local Nissan place.

Plus regardless if i have it or not, its customer service - going above and beyond the call of duty and then some... OK granted Parts Man and Infantry Soldier stuck behind enemy lines iaren't along the same lines but the principle's the same ;) lol

lol can i asj you how you did it cos i tried to install it and it woudnt work. if its a modified disk or something that you have paul id love a copy. :P
Darren198712 said:
look what I found
Laser Jam :rolleyes:
Seems like that sort of thing could earn you a £5000 fine and 1 year ban.

Eady claimed the device must have been fitted by mistake when other changes were made to the Range Rover ... "I didn't know the thing was fitted," he said. "The guy who did the thing stood up in court and said he couldn't remember me asking him to fit it."

Yeah... riiiiiiiight :rolleyes:

edit: found the link so changed this post.
wraith0x29a said:
I was reading a story last week where some bloke was busted for using something like this - claimed that he didn't know it was installed on his car and that someone had installed it without telling him - the police claimed that was bollocks and using such anti-speed-measuring-device kit is a blatant attempt to pervert the course of justice (a crime which carries a maximum sentence of plenty-much years) or something like that. I'll post the link if I can find it again.
lol how can you not know its installed when its your car ? (its possible of you just brought the car though tbh)
Yeah, from what I read this guy was doing anything he could think of to weasel his way out of it.

Probably why he got such a big fine, the judges are not impressed by people taking the piss.

If you can't do the time don't do the crime. :rolleyes:

I'll bet he's one of those twats who think 'boy racers' should be hung in the public square but that wealthy middle-aged business-men should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want on the road.
wraith0x29a said:
Yeah, from what I read this guy was doing anything he could think of to weasel his way out of it - probably why he got such a big fine, the judges are not impressed by people taking the piss.

If you can't do the time don;t do the crime. :rolleyes:
the last lines true

and I guess if he said that he fitted it he probably get a less fine
I'd be interested to know how many of his golfing buddies had their Chelsea-tractors in the garage next day getting theirs removed.
wraith0x29a said:
I'd be interested to know how many of his golfing buddies had their Chelsea-tractors in the garage next day getting theirs removed.
fitting 50 quid
Removing as much as you can charge
I don't know how it works in UK, but here in Croatia, by the new European law, you can't have HID without lenses in headlight's, headlight's washers and automatic height adjustment of headlight's....
how would i go about fitting these into my 1999 v reg p2 almera.

would like to have 5000-6000 hid lights, but still want full beam...
Phil_GT said:
how would i go about fitting these into my 1999 v reg p2 almera.

would like to have 5000-6000 hid lights, but still want full beam...
they sell the H4 kit its slightly more expensive but but don't forget the H4 are 2 light bulbs in 1

here you go (nothing to do with me if anything goes wrong though)

ent said:
I don't know how it works in UK, but here in Croatia, by the new European law, you can't have HID without lenses in headlight's, headlight's washers and automatic height adjustment of headlight's....

I heard its the same in the UK
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