AOC South Meet Aug'08 pics

Looks like you had a good little meet there, nice pics too. Cars are looking good.
feck thats sounds nice, it is hard to hear how my exhaust sounds properly as to hear it out side the car is completely different, thats why i swap cars when out with my mates sometimes as it sounds so much better from outside, thanks edk tis loud but it has a nice note to it :-)
does the neovvl acutally work properly now? ie proper ecu and proper exhaust etc?

Why do we have a member of hanson on here?.....................
karim is trying to source me a 16VE ECU, dont quite fancy keeping the DE one and having it mapped

Cool to see the ppl we meet online pays off for others! Assuming you're referring to R390?
If you can't wait can supply one for 400 Euros. Which works out to be same as ordering from EndlessR in Japan - quite rare to find second-hand!
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