Ashaman's N15 goes SR20VE!

Well, it's been a while, but this time has been put to use.
I've bought a GTi donor car. Had to go to Sweden for this, as there are probably around maximum 15 GTi's in Norway...
Swaped the DE in first, as this would be easier then the VE, and I can have this approved by the authorities.

The donor car:

Removing the engine:

Old 1.6l gone:


The new one is getting there:

This weekend, startup:

Thanks to AOC members for answering questions I had!
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Thanks! Will be no mods on this engine, as I have a SR20VE ready to go in later, when this engine has been registerd in the papers.
can u do me a favor please and get me some pictures of how the washers are attached and where they are attached to plus how they are pipped in please
I'll do it in the weekend when I get home. I think my 1996 model just had the tube stopping at the center of the wiper, pointing towards the lamp, but I think the 1999's has nozzles, not quite shure though tbh.
any pictures of how the setup was would be great man i got almost everything down on how to make a set of legal HID's for my n15 it was just where to place the washer and what to use that had me thinking
deleted old post.

no liam i have the units from the p11 114 sport auto lvling lights which will be getting used but i was left wondering where i could get washers from that didn't look out of place
Or pop-up units from a vectra/astra. You don't need wipers for HID lights if you have a cleaning jet. The units are seperate and can be cut in to any bumper. Sorry to thread crap btw.

Nice build.
no its not the wipers i was interested in its the jets and if im seeing right i think the jets are the 2 small black objects that are on the red cars lights which if im honest they don't look out of place
Sorry to dissapoint you then Nistro, because the two black objects at the top of the lense is just stoppers for the wiper, there are two at the bottom aswell. The washers are mounted on the blade itself, of that I'm pretty certain.
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