Well, it's been a while, but this time has been put to use.
I've bought a GTi donor car. Had to go to Sweden for this, as there are probably around maximum 15 GTi's in Norway...
Swaped the DE in first, as this would be easier then the VE, and I can have this approved by the authorities.
The donor car:
Removing the engine:
Old 1.6l gone:
The new one is getting there:
This weekend, startup:
Thanks to AOC members for answering questions I had!
I've bought a GTi donor car. Had to go to Sweden for this, as there are probably around maximum 15 GTi's in Norway...
Swaped the DE in first, as this would be easier then the VE, and I can have this approved by the authorities.
The donor car:
Removing the engine:
Old 1.6l gone:
The new one is getting there:
This weekend, startup:
Thanks to AOC members for answering questions I had!
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