Started out yesterday with the intention of changing the lifters :roll: as whatever the noise is has gotten worse the last few days..
Removed the rocker cover and as I was pulling it away one of the metal washers that sits under the rocker bolts decided to ruin my afternoon... it ventured down the timing chain side of the engine :rasp:
Commence swearing and crawling on the floor hoping it had fallen down there............ no joy
I turned the engine, via the crank pulley only to hear a very feint 'clink' so I new it was in there
So.. Sump off, which probably took the longest, the standard nissan sealant is like concrete, got there in the end though.
removed the baffle plate that was under that
I was surprised at just how much oil is left in the bottom of the sump even when its been left to drain for 45 mins..... so now all the gunk is out of the bottom ready for some fresh clean oil
Cleaned all the goo off the bottom of the engine and the pan, found a bit of metal in the Pickup resealed the sump pan and left it over night, so will try and do the lifters today now :lol:
When Ive removed my sump plug (magnetic) there has been like a coating of metal, fine enough to make your finger silver.. normal or am I chewing a bearing slowly...?