gonna leave the bumper as it is I prefer it and I dont have to worry as much if it gets damaged
see when i first read the title - i as expecting it to be pictures of corbs and another man or something!
now that is "What Most of You Have Been Wondering About "
Congrats Sam, good to see more people realising the potential of these cars. Makes me wish mine looked better
First thing you should do is fit some rocker stoppers. Do it now, close the neovvl tab, go to ebay (or similar) and order a set, do this NOW! Lol. Until you fit them refrain from reving your car over the 7k mark or you'll suffer eventually.
Nice mods, got a set of p2 headlights if your after some...Will have to come and have a look at this when I've got some transport.
no Im over the whole VZR thing now, got something else I want to get