Autech GTi

Hmmm, They need a clean and repaint but they are RIDICULOUSLY light...

I like it


are they sparco like the ones i linked you the other day?

look very similar, and verrrrrry nice

altho i agree with steve aftrer seeing that pic again
off the mazda they are Racing Hart Cybers and yeah 15's though they do look bigger than they are.

Still have the original Tomei wheels stripped of paint sat next to their new tyres, Im just waiting to paint them Im in no rush

I really like these think I may end up keeping them
Thinking of painting them white again, did have another colour in mind but I figure white will just be easier.
Im in no rush to put them on, the tyres on the gti alloys are pretty much brand new plus are black so I dont have to clean them.

I wont be putting the Tomeis on till it warms up and they stop putting salt on the roads
racing harts are meant to be one of the lightest around, this mx5 is turning out to be a little gold mine lol

think im doing the same with the buddy clubs, leave it till late spring to get them on

I had taken one off before and felt the weight but when I was swapping with the GTi wheels it was very apparent just how light they are compared :) they are lighter than the Tomeis anyway

I re-modified the car since nothing further will be happening with regards to an insurance claim, I just had to replace the damaged wing so did that tonight.

The Damage





Dropped down the sideskirt, and moved the bumper



Was pretty painless removing it, whilst it was off I cleaned up some surface rust, painted then undersealed.





Now surprisingly there are a few different shades of silver and it can be difficult to get a good match, the car is currently 3 different shades across most panels...

I think I did ok with this match




I have paid for a Pulsar wing I am just waiting for it now, this will see me through until then :)
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