Bushells N16

To start off i alredy have a members ride thread but it was my brother (mattmera) who posted it up. I have finally got everything sorted out so i can now upload my own photo's so i dont think i need to go into to much detail about my car as most of you probably know about my car. So here's a few winter pics and a few of the engine bay before during and after cleaning.


















As you can see not quite a show winner but better than what it was :). Thanks for taking time to look, as usual all comments etc welcome :)
aye i does add a bit of sparkle lol, just used autosol on the metal pipes aswell so its a bit more shiney lol :).
thanks steve

Looks good mate! But it looks like the oil in the engine bay was coming from a leaky rocker cover, id take it off and re-seal it if you havent already, as it will be mucky again in no time :)

I personally think the car would look HAWT with a black roof... Other than that, put the black wheels back on and its a very complete car! :punk:
Yea the gasket is seeping, well the plans for the car are to get the body work fixed up, new front wing, pro race's back on for the summer, paint the bottom recess in the back bumper black, paint the inside of the headlights black and a cupra splitter, then maybe the roof lol, probs rap it rather than paint it tho.
Good plans mate, it will be looking sweet! Yeah vinyl on the roof will be alot cheaper than paint! Its one of the things on my todo list for the next car! :lol:
Good plans mate, it will be looking sweet! Yeah vinyl on the roof will be alot cheaper than paint! Its one of the things on my todo list for the next car! :lol:

Thanks, i hope so lol, might take a while but it will all get done hopefully, most of them are just cheap small subtle things aswell :).
I think vinyl is the way forward to be honest.
Yeah and your strut brace under the bonnet. Just offers protection so it makes it easier to clean next time. It's high temp so won't melt like normal waxes. Use it anywhere where there is heat really.
Well i was driving up to edinburgh last nite, just cruising bout 50-60, then all of a sudden a droaning noise started and the steering wheel began to shake, so i thought it would be the discs that were warped, however the car did it for about half a mile on and off, then it stopped and was fine all the way back home. Anybody got any ideas? Going to replace the discs as they are a bit pitted. Surely if it was the discs it would do it all the time??? Any info or suggestions would be great guys.

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