Some good progress there!
Word of warning about the rear beam, it`s heavy as fook, so be damned careful when you take it out.
Remove the handbrake cables from the sway arms, (2 10mm bolts, 1 between the 2 ABS bracket bolts & 1 on the inside of the sway arm, just in front of the pivot bolt) loosen the pivot bolts 1st, then remove the nut/bolt by the fuel tank (17mm brake pipe spanner is the best thing for holding the nut, while using a 17mm socket & a scaffold pole on the bolt head),
lower it on a jack, then remove the sway arm bolts.
Also, the plugs for the rear ABS cables are infront of the arches, by the sway arm bolts, unplug them, then remove the 10mm nut holding the bracket to the chassis (be sure to give them a damned good soaking with WD/40, as my O/S one was a right arse to get off).
Any other info you need, give us a shout!