My Mera

Looking good now Paul :D I think there's something missing with the grille though, don't think it quite fits the look tbh. Red 2-slat or a red Ph2 grille would work IMO. I'll text you when Ed gets his mera so we can meet up :D

Yeah I agree with hopelessness he has hit the nail on the head. I'm sure a grille would finish of the equation nicely :P
I'll text you when Ed gets his mera so we can meet up :D

Count me in guys, if you're both southwards then we're all not too far away :)

Car's looking good mate, and yeah grille needs to be me crazy but how about trying a silver 2 slat. Might blend in with the lights and be inkeeping with the lighter wheels. I think a white grille would be too much but silver...possibly *ponders*.
yeh i would like a black 2 slat grille. or might just try painting that one red for now with the slats black what do you think ?
Would be inkeeping with the bumper, i.e. red with black insides. So would work yes.
off it come again lol got to take the bumper off anyways to get to my power steering leak and to fit a new cv boot before the mot in 2 weeks
And again

Sorted out the grille



I did try having the grille white as i got it but it didnt look right il find the picture later.
That's awesome Paul. Much improved over the stock grille :thumb: Works with the black wing mirrors and rubbing strips too actually :) Looks really clean and neat in these shots.
Risky but not low enough yet haha it was on the kurb but dosnt look like it in the picture


Funny reflexion :) cant find the reflexion thread

Get your tin of AR2 out, colour code :D

Actually, wanna colour code bumpstrips, door handles, mirrors etc one day? Not that you're better at painting than me...
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