AD22VF installation complete.
This was pretty straight forward. Except for the weather.
I only managed to take the photos with the wheel on as I had to get it done because the weather was being ghey.
So I will get some with the wheel off.
What is the setup?
*AD22VF Calipers rebuilt with brand new piston and kit. Painted red.
*DBA Slotted discs
*Goodridge braided brake hoses
*EBC green stuff brake pads
And they are fantastic brakes.
AD22VF installation complete.
This was pretty straight forward. Except for the weather.
I only managed to take the photos with the wheel on as I had to get it done because the weather was being ghey.
So I will get some with the wheel off.
What is the setup?
*AD22VF Calipers rebuilt with brand new piston and kit. Painted red.
*DBA Slotted discs
*Goodridge braided brake hoses
*EBC green stuff brake pads
And they are fantastic brakes.