Here's what I've been upto....
2 weeks ago I bought a set of AD22VF front brake calipers off a fellow PGA forum member. (Thanks Rob).
Got them delivered to my door not long after and was quite excited.
The day after I got them, I couldn't help myself, so, I dismantled them.
I also ordered my caliper rebuild kits from Race Brakes Sydney.
That weekend I planned to start the cleaning process. But unfortunately I got a tummy bug
So with that weekend written off, this weekend I had to get started on the cleaning process. I tell you, this was a bastard to do. A shitload of degreaser and wax and grease remover sandpaper, and a wire brush, and, of course, the key ingredient patience got the job done.
And then I got the primer coat on. Waited for it to dry and got some painting going on!
So next weekend I’ll be cleaning my brake components and beginning the rebuild. And a few other goodies to arrive