New person saying hello.

We picked it up tonight! Had an epic haul down to Berkshire from Peterborough, proper wicked road trip, some good summery tunes on! Wicked night! Hope Marc doesn't mind me putting them on here! Pics!

Me driving my '144 on the M4


With my '144





What can I say about the 'Mera? Well! It's an absolute gem - no chain rattle, sounds sweeter than my 60k '01 SR20... Goes like stink too and looks great and it's already been lowered and has high quality RCAs/Powercable all run through with an inline fuse so that's saved Marcus one job!

What a bargain, I'm actually jealous!

Thanks for the pics Nik! Im loving the car right now, few issues need sorting, using quite alot of fuel, and the temp guage flickers constantly between cold and normal when you hit bumps or drive hard, im fairly sure those two probs are related.

Also think that something is fooked rear suspension wise. The suspension is pretty firm, but the back end bounces around like lisa riley on a mission. Remote central locking is broke, been told by Nissan that as I have no master fob, im fooked.

But anyway, JAE. Hoping very much to be there, I'll be hiding behind Nik as im pretty shy, but if there are plenty of scantily clad friendly females there then I might be tempted to talk lol.

Big thanks to Nik for driving me 130 odd miles to get the car, in the boiling heat, was well impressed with the '144, the noise makes me have a crisis.

Much love.
thought i saw your P1 GTi today in biggleswade.. then i just checked the plates.. dont think it was you my friend... and it didnt have a drivers side screcw on the fog light....
Nah that's a bit too far south geezer, he's from Ptown! Well, a village near it, one of them fenland ones where you'll get bum raped !
Today, i find one shagged front wheelbearing.

Joys of the deepest lol.

Canning, talk to me, tell me, cheep cheep (like the budgie) mods that I can do, give me good news :(
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