I was in the local shopping centre today when I heard my license number being read out franticly over the intercom. I came out to the sight of my Pride an Joy in a heap in a hedge.....


Seamingly the driver of an SUV had passed out at the wheel (he's ok) and accellerated straight into my N16 and the car that had parked beside me....




I've pictures of the three cars in a heap together but I've not got the camera with me so I'll post them up tomorrow.
fooking hell i fucking hate SUV's they cause all sorts of needless damage! Can you go through insurance?
An old man had a heart attack at the wheel and wrote off my mates EK civic a while back, crashes like this are just unlucky!
Gutted doesn't cover it, I still feel sick but it'd be ten times worse if somebody had actually been hurt! Just as well it didn't happen in three weeks time, I had it booked in to get almost €1,000 worth of work done to it, a custom front and rear bumper fitted and a comprehensive touch up of the exterior!!!
My insurance company don't want to know because I wasn't at fault and his turned around this evening and told me his policy had lapsed! I've been on to the Garda thats dealing with it (he gave me the insurance details as yer man had already been taken to hospital) so I'm hoping to resolve it all tomorrow...

Corbs; who else had the same misfortune? I hope their alright???
Yeah, seamingly he was going some speed when he hit it... No damage internally though, which I was impressed with seeing as the Sorrento ended up sitting on my bonnet!

Corbs; Depends on what, if anything, I get off of the insurance company....

Cheers darren
My insurance company offered to collect it but wanted me to find somewhere to store it! So when my dad wouldn't let me leave it in the garden (which, lets face it, was unreasonable!! lol) I had a local body shop pick it up. They repaired my dads Passat when he dumped it into a ditch a few years back, and are really good, but I'm afraid poor reliable Lola has seen her last day....

Antodeco; Mibi?
Motor Insurer's Bureau of Ireland :)

"The MIBI was set up in 1955 by an Agreement between the Government and the Companies underwriting motor insurance in Ireland for the purpose of compensating victims of road traffic accidents caused by uninsured and unidentified vehicles. "
Yeah, I rang his insurance company using the information the Gardai gave me and I was informed that the policy used to be active under that policy number, company name, car and driver but that it wasn't any more (even though his disk showed an expiry of the end of May). So I'm hoping that when I ring the insurance crowd tomorrow that it was some sort of misunderstanding... I have the company details (of the guy who hit me) and I was speaking to the company director today so I'll just call him if the issue isn't cleared up in the morning.

well, hows a goin, was a nice car, it takes a stupid c**t to take it away from ya, was goin to ask ya, are u seelin the wheels, if u are wat size rims and how much?
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