I fitted the Nismo shocks today to the Pulsar. It's lowered it about 30mm i'd say, well low enough for me not to be able to get it in the garage anymore with the front bumper on! I've got to make some ramps to stop it catching. At the moment these are work in progress shots you can see the Lucino lights I fitted and the Pulsar VZ-R front lights as well as the Pulsar VZ-R grille which I think looks better than the 2 Slat one. I've got the Black indicators but I took them off for now to get the bumper off it!
Next step is get the cracks in the front bumper fixed at the bodyshop as well as getting a few little marks touched up. Gonna get it back to it's former glory for JAE!
Standard KYB front shocker still on the Pulsar and one of the KYB's alongside the Nismo shocks on my garage floor.
Fronts are fitted now on to the back shocks.
Nismo shock alongside a standard Autech rear shock both made by KYB. Nismo shock fitted.
Dampening adjuster on the car for the rear shock and pic of the back end looking a little lower.
Looks quite a bit lower on the back end but not so low that it's gonna catch every speed bump. Car is now rock hard and it handles loads better! I think the Lucino lights really give the back end a new lease of life and really bring the car back up to date. Works really well with the Silver too.
Looks a bit sorry for itself without the front bumper on but you can see the VZ-R headlights and grille and the Skyline seats that i've fitted. I'm gonna strip the A/C off it next while the bumper's off. I'll put some new pics on when it's been fully re-assembled.