yeah 205/50 for now, bought them off a friend, with all other stuff going on can't really afford a top quality tires.
The job was performed in certificated representative of Nissan, I wanted it done professionally so I choose them, it cost me more, but at least I have a warranty now. There's no excessive white smoke which would indicate another blown gasket, but still I'm worried about the grey/black ones. Can't really say why they gave me that drive-in period, maybe just a precaution? Or maybe there's left overs of coolant that needs to burn out?
I've been trying to get rid of the smoke for a while now and the ideas are coming to the end. Patience too.
Things that have been done:
1. new turbo - old one was burning oil like hell, after changing it, emissions reduced by half.
2. KN air filter and OEM fuel filter - visibly reduced black smoke, emission test showed the same. (at that time coolant began leaking out, burning coolant seemed to be the cause of the emissions)
3. Changed head gasket - black smoke back again, not sure about the white. Gonna do emissions test later on.
So I guess I'll see how it goes after 1k kms. I reckon there's no connection between the gasket and the black smoke, must by something with a fueling system then.
Check injectors, check pump, check fueling lines, my wallet ain't gonna like this at all.
I can shoot some videos and re-upload the old ones, this would give a better insight about the situation before and after.