might not need to as now for some unknown reason is seems like the injectors are not getting power and it wont fire today, rather that or they not receiving signal from th eECu - which means nats has kicked in for one reason or another, which after checking every single wire for resistance volts continuity left me a slight bt puzzled i must say, especially after leaving last night with it running. nothing has changd till this morning and now not turning over!
however on the other note
ALL mounts are now sorted and engine is sitting proud on its own
BOTH driveshafts are sorted and in, with wheels hubs brakes etc all done and back sitting on the ground and rolling - however since the engine has decided to play funny buggers i couldnt road test it
got a clutch and some spray work for another customer to do tomorrow so itll be wednesday when i get to play again.
MIL isnt flashing when trying to crank, as if NATS is fine, as nats would normally cause this to blink/flash
ECU is getting full 12v however is dropping to 7v during crank. this may cause the ecu to reset itself being this low, so wonder if its lost the nats code. meh, think its been too long a day and my brain is frazzled from thinking of too many numbers
its definately soemthing to do with the injectors though not receiving signal or something.