Woo... Hiya :D

Hiya Everyone... Another newbie to add to the pile!

Hopefully picking my Almera GTi up next weekend....!
It's light blue (whatever colour that is called?!?!)

So thought that i'd better register on here... then I can show you all pics when i've got it (and probably washed it too!)

Anyways.... Hello :lol:

welcome a local person not many of use midlands people, guessing by you saying light blue that it will be a phase 1. hope you really like the car and feel free to ask questions
Woo... Yes I am a girl :)
The Almera is a replacement for my Series 2 RS Turbo that sadly went to car heaven.....
(pistons on CVH engines are made of cotton wool!)

I believe it's a P1.... not sure on the reg cos it's got a private plate on :)
Also I can't remember if it's got a bodykit or not....lol!

Thanks for all the replies :)
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