It's coming! Lol waiting on a head I've sent for port/polishing and inlet manifold matched to be finished then going to build the engine up on the stand the bottom end is on make sure im happy with that (be a tart and give it a good clean) and ive got to order a decent head gasket kit too from gspec I guess it wont be too much longer ok! I was originally going to boost the current DE in the car but I've gone a bit mad with it now lol
Got the turbo build coming along nicely now and it's really close to finishing just got a few bits to pay for and order then book for mapping once its all together. Unfortunately its not going to be on my deadline of the end of april but it won't be long after that maybe end of may/june time so:
Separate now I was going to just boost the current one and work more on the other/spend more money but tbh it doesn't need any more for what I want out of it so im just waiting and building the lump then putting it in so N/A for a little longer
Not long left at all now just waiting on Cosworth to get back to me about the HG and ordering the head studs at the end of the month, I've also been in contact with MB Automotive about Nistune setup and mapping etc ready for it when it's completed
All the bottom end is together now with new bearings, sump pan, oil pump and water pump, along with new front and rear seals and shite!
Now here is where i thought things were going to get annoying. the bolt snapped on the cam journal with NO tension what so ever! WTF but just got on and removed it's remains luckily
Now as i didn't want to have to risk a split pipe at the back here, i have sleved this larger dia silicone pipe over the original Nissan one as a JIC measure. it's probably not required but hey.
Now i originally painted the block red and regretted it straight away so it's now silver as you can see
To fit the mamouth intercooler i got from the misses for Xmas i have used the same method that has been used on kay's build.
so to sum it all up i am very close to completion and getting the engine into the car. I still need to decide on a clutch for it and im most likely going to go for the ACT set up near 400ftlb.
Hopefully the car will be coming off the road for a while as well so that i can give the whole thing a once over and a good scrub up as there is CV grease all up the firewall...those bloody inner CV boots!! haha and so i don't have to worry about getting it done to use it again i will hopefully be buying @Jake 's Mera from him as he is an indecisive little goon and want's something different now :/
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