Had a go at the gunson eezibleed. If anyone has just baught one i hope you kept the reciept.
None of the master cylinder caps fit. I took a spare skyline one and stuck a hole in the lid for the pipe. It wont seal. The pipe on the lid does but the lid on the fluid resovoir doesnt.Tried sticking more rubber under it but it will not seal.
Ive now replaced the two front calipers and bled them. I went to do the rears but the neighbours kept wanting past so it couldnt be done. Bless them with their garages and me stuck in the backlane. Assholes.
Now, the brakes are even worse. With the engine on the pedal can hit the floor. I can still make the tyres chirp if i slam on but its not exactly dramatic.
Here is a video of the situation now:
http://tinypic.com/r/sosspz/7 (sorry about the quality. cant get sunlight in the footwell)
It starts with the engine running. The pedal can hit the floor. I pump it a bit but its still crap. Then, i turn the engine off and after a pump or two its rock hard. I then start the engine again and the pedal sinks. At the end i show how bad it is by using my hand to push the pedal half of the way down.
oh, for the record the master cylinder doesnt have a bleed nipple. my skyline did and it had the same problem.