Sorry vtec gay not vvl, Craig has vtec....looking good still though craigy..
that they do im a raging cam shifting homo!! but i do get pangs that i should have put forged low comps in mine with a T28..
O GOD! maybe im secretly straight!!
chin up mate just rebuild it again and see what happens
Such a shame mate I loved watching that vid of it, proper beast.
This is why I haven't checked mine, it feels great so why do I need that dissapointment if something has gone. Haha
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Sorry to hear mate, altho if its pulling like a train i wouldnt worry, check it again tomorrow see if its any different, sometimes you can get wrong readings because of many reasons.
Just woundering did you fit new rings, also did you fit them all with the markings facing up and all ring gaps not inline?
You may have answered these questions already if so sorry lol its quicker asking than searching though your thread lol.
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I may be asking you the obvious, did you comp test the engine with a wide open throttle and on a hot engine? And a fully charged battery with all the spark plugs out too?