Eddie's SRi

SRi alloys are no use to me as spares as I have large break setup to clear... Wilwood 4 pots on the new GTi.. wheels helped stop my parents driveway get gouged out by the chassis scraping along

And for bonnet, its stone chipped to fuck massive to store & not needed as a spare

As I said I got everything I needed off the car.. Im done with the fucker
That would have been one the first things i would take out to sell....£40-50 easily mate!

I put a forsale thread up listing potential items to sell, and also made thread about shell for sale bits etc.. I had no interest mate so I couldnt be arsed. Cant be hoarding bits in the garage if I dont have any buyers for the stuff
Fair enough, but i will lol so much if someone pops up in a few days looking for a GTi steering wheel! :lol:
could have had the dash out for someone to get flocked... that shell should have been BARE to be taken away, someone would have atleast had the centre caps from the wheels...
Well no one pm'd me for anything.. it wasnt of any use to me.. dash was bowed in the centre slightly from guy I bought it from aka fucked :sailor:
lol im sorry but thats a bit sad! video! mine went today, just glad for it to be off the drive, dude gimme the money and i left him to load it up
Did a quick V8 transplant before throwing in the towel on her :cowboy:



In living memory of S330MBD

Note* Only 2nd/reverse gear worked albeit with abit of brute force after removing the under-engine brace
Got paid out 1200, and got to keep the car minus salvage value 10%

It was a good car, in a way im glad its gone cause it was a stipped out ricer weapon.

New car trying to stay clear of ricer routes, full interior quiet exhaust no bucket seats etc

Was fun though, been there done that got the t-shirt :ninja:
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