My PH1 gti

Just gone though this all again, should be a different animal since when I last had a ride in it for sure.

What does 87mm bore with 86mm crank put it into total engine displacement wise?

(Bore/2)^2 x Pi x stroke x 4 = displacement

(8.7/2)^2 x 3.14 x 8.6 x 4 = 2043.9 Cubic Centimeters
You need to allow for the thickness of the head gasket as well

no you dont...

for combustion chamber volume, yes

for compression ratio calcs, yes.

for DISPLACEMENT (the air that is displaced by the movement of a piston) you dont, as the head gasket is a constant, it doesnt move, it doesnt contribute to displacement of air, its just there.

the displacement of an engine is not the size of the cylinder, its the size of the movement the pistons makes, 86mm high, 86mm diameter. 499.5cc / cylinder.
Ok heres the latest pics of the engine as it is at the moment.
DSCF1536.JPG Fresh lick of paint on the block
DSCF1537.JPG Here you can see my oil relocation block at the back
DSCF1538.JPG Close up of it, you can just see the p+p head and bronze valve guides
DSCF1539.JPG The money shot with the header on
DSCF1540.JPG Close up of header
Have a look back eddie there are some pics of the header and collector, cant remember the price, lets just say it was A LOT !!!!
I'll take some more pics of the header in a bit for you
Looks very simlar to the Powerland 4-1 header just with a ASP logo on it... im serious though how much did this cost inc shipping must have an origonal invoice from Gspec?

Can't find them for sale on the website only the 4-2-1 budget header


Thing I notice though on your header cylinders 1&2 / 3&4 paired whereas on the Powerland/Mazworx header the Cylinders are paired 1&4/2&3. I was under the impression it was better to have the latter style of parings on a manifold?
Looks very simlar to the raceland/powerland one just with a ASP logo on it... im serious though how much did this cost inc shipping must have an origonal invoice from Gspec?

Can't find them for sale on the website only the 4-2-1 budget header

Eddie, some people may find it rude that you are asking how much people paid for things.

its also a bad idea to put up prices for rare parts.

was a period on UKSC when i was on there that peoples build threads were being used as a shopping list. rare parts when missing, a lot in a small period of time. some parts that opportunists would never know where there.
Thing I notice though on your header cylinders 1&2 / 3&4 paired whereas on the Powerland/Mazworx header the Cylinders are paired 1&4/2&3. I was under the impression it was better to have the latter style of parings on a manifold?

Eddie have you even looked at my header, it's a 4-1 header, none of the primaries are paired together they all merge into 1
Why would Powerland/Mazworx do it in one style yet ASP another, unless it was done so the ASP header has equal length runners

I compared it to the above ^^ yet commented on the only obvious differences.. a suggestive not a factual remark as to why one company does it one way yet others do it another must of been a good reason to do so?
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