My SRi

if these get any more sought after, we may have to get the bondo out cov. permanent ALC elite y0 hahahah

looks awesome. mickey mouse ears FTW! get the black paint on your horns, and be proud of your mickey mouse ears like me :lol:
LMAO random i may do cartoon eyes, white with black pupils :D

sam, got it through d turbo, johnny, irish member, fuckin star!!!!
Ha,,,,man thats fucking sweet

Never realised how rare it was or that it would look that well haha

At all :) I had this for sale for ages :p

Glad it arrived ok man :)

waiting on the custom head gasket, gotta order the haed bolts, bearings from nissan. Get the rebuild kit sent over from states. Get the ARP rod bolts (only JUST found out what other car i can source them from, old datsun lol)

But now ive got the pistons i can get teh block bored and the rotating bits lightened and balanced :D After that its a bolt up jobby :D excited! getting the overtime in now as i got 3 pay days before september, think i can jussst pull it off... the engine build!
Finally your new pistons are here!

Good luck with the build up, its one of my favourite projects on here, so im glad the balls rolling again.
I'll be watching this thread closely, as i still dont know exactly what your build plans are? (maybe thats the idea)
Watching hard mate :)
If you need a lift to drop the block/engine bits off then drop me a message and I'll come over.
Same goes with the engine build.
It'll be immense, high compression beasttt!
You know what that needs above the voltage meter, an LCD screen telling you loads more cool shizzle, chat about it on MSN babes :P

Looking mint though, when are you properly starting the engine build?
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