My Trop Green GTi

Dont worry about the figures. You appear to have quite big wheels which produce more drag and maybe the tyre pressures were low.
its a fucking number!

it means nothing! see what it pulls on the strip then moan if steve's happy with how its pulling then leave the poor lad alone!

But Ian, your the one always saying "all i wont to do it build a 200hp engine..." Its a fucking number.....!

^ them ^

and thanks to chris180 a new grill
you have a matching scuff to mine! same place but on my silver car it looks abit less obviouse.. car still looks pimp though dude paint the grill though*

*message braught to you by the WE HATE SHITTY BLACK GRILLS GROUP
Awesome mate, get her down to motorscope now and get a proper dyno done lol.

How she driving now, selecting any better???
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