right thought it was time for an update will sort some pics for you all soon good news and bad news.
start with the bad news well its that dreaded thing again RUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have got rust coming thou on my drivers side rear arch which i kinda expected and before you all say quickdraw this and that i have spoke to him already but not gonna hassle him right now with him just having his first baby congrats by the way again and for the money i paid i can't moun.
now for the good points
got rid of my cams, header, exhaust and my bmc cda
already got my self some jwts coming and have replaced my air filter with a pipercross filter. exhaust wise im gonna replace the one i had with tommo's for now till i save for one off phil and haven't decided what im gonna do about header yet.
got my self some vzr rears off cov thanks pal and also got fossil fuels rear bench to match my vzr front seats