Well, it been a while since I updated this and did anything to the car really. Money has been a bit tight.
so when I've had a spare minute I've been fixing up my wheels that came with the car. Tehy were pretty bad, but I took my time on them so I can get them looking good.
Was going to get them powdercoated, but if I can I like to do things myself. So been faffing about with filler primer and paint.
The state of them before
One done 3 to go
Going to keep my old 15's for during the winter etc
Colour is Pearlescent Honda Nighthawk Black.
Once I get this done, I'm going to sort out the rust as its getting worse.
Once I do that, I've got a nice wee project lined up to get a 7" Touchscreen LCD moulded into the centre console (where the stereo currently sits) and run a SFF PC through it and get the data from the OBD port running through like below.
Ideally, I'm hoping this will Evoscan program will support Nissan OBD1 by the time I'm ready to use it, Its in the pipeline.
Hoping to have this done for F+M money permitting