Raceworx's SR16VE Saloon

^ where it came from haha, cracking price that wow. did you haggle from £380? lol
whats with all the rust bro?


its a nissan lol... its having a de-rust over the next few weeks..

it was so loud before the box i was shocked how much it deadened the noise..

iv got a gutted cat with a pipe welded in it so that should do...
i hope it doesnt go raspy if you decat it :( sounded sweet as a nut earlier dude! glad to help out, and for the price, yeah it may not look as pretty as others, but it works, its solid and to the best of my knowledge it doent knock the back axle either :eek: winner. and to top it all off, epic warhawk fest while waiting :lol: top day man, like the old times. brought a tear to my eye :(
the problem with the 16 is any weight blunts it stick my tool...s in there and a full tank it cuts its performance so much.. really needs stripping!
Good luck with your future plans!

It would be nice to know what power you had and if it was altered by the exhaust. I also believe it's overkill.
If it's not sounding loud then probably your muffler is quite restrictive. I see no resonators and it's really weird cause people tend to use 2 of them for this exhaust size.
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