Sams VZ-R N1


since fitting the oil cooler and driving it around in the hot weather it kept the oil bang on 80 deg no matter how hard it was pushed.... However now that it is cold, due to the size of the cooler and the fact that even when not up to temp a small amount of oil is flowing through the cooler this was enough to stop the oil warming up sufficiently.

Break out the card board and make a template



and have replicated in stainless steel


remove other cardboard template


insert new stainless item with foam pads to hold it away from the cooler and prevent rattles.


also figured I would check over the base idle and timing since fitting all the new breathing mods, the idle needed raising from around 900 rpm and the timing needed advancing a few degrees :)

runs sweeeeeet now

tracking and alignment booked for friday, since changing the rack bushes the wheel is a little off.
Heres a tip to help stop rear brakes seizing, and prolong their life.

This is the reason they go bad



This is the result of the rubber seal sticking to the piston, it then leads to tearing, the solution is to unwind the piston so the seal untwists.

Then pull the seal away from the piston


Insert grease, slide the grease around the whole seal.


Then wind the piston a few times to get the grease around. (Cheers for the tip Liam)


Also did this



Right after fitting the poly shifter bushes, the gears felt a bit notchy in 1st and 2nd, was sometimes very hard to select them.

I sussed out what the issue was after thinking about it for a while, here you see the stock bushing and the Poly bush


The stock bush is slotted front to back for when it sits on the studs from the car, where the poly is slotted side to side...



Where I had fitted it, it was obviously a bit further to one side, only by a few mm but enough to cause issues.

I simply offered up the poly against the stock mount and using the dremel slotted the bracket on the poly bush to match the stock one, I then bolted it to the stabiliser bar and pushed it up onto the studs.

Its PERFECT now every gear feels like butter, a great success.
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