Spooks 5 window Ford project.

They've relisted my contract on the site so I should get some other offers in today. The comparison/referral system was spot on, it was just the actual company doing the job that was rubbish.
I'm aiming for Friday delivery now.
I bet this is burning a hole deep inside eh! i got pissed off the other day with a mate as it goes, I wanted to pick up a half finished 100nx with a sr20 running gear. I sorted everything out my end and the seller's end only for my mate to let me down with his trailer.

Excuses don't tend to wash with me but then i'm a terribly impatient shit most of the time.
Just going to dump a photo here so I have reference later. Carry on

I should have all the bits for my project, including a pretentious name, by Friday evening so I will update then. I've kind of gone in both feet first here so there is a distinct possibility that I will fall flat on my face with this. As Lucille Ball once said "I'd rather regret the things I have done than the things that I haven't".
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The delivery has been bumped to Thursday *sigh* so it will be another day to wait.
In the meantime I've been looking at some ore pictures. Quite like the modern and vintage mix at the minute.

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