A few bits to keep the updates succinct and regular.
I took the original engine mounts and brackets in to work this week as one rubber mount had been cut off and the top cap was seized into the aluminium bracket. It took some doing but finally it came free. I'd ordered some new rubber doughnuts off eBay but the only trouble I had was that the studs on the new mounts were M10 where the old mounts were M12. The other issue was that the studs on the new rubbers were only 20mm long. That meant that the stud would only poke out of the mount about 2mm to try and get a nut on. Unacceptable.
As the brackets were corroded anyway I decided the best course of action was to drill them out, tap them and then make an insert adaptor to pick up the new M10 threads.
This is one of the new mounting rubbers:
These are the old brackets that I've de-seamed and sanded down to remove the corrosion. You can also see the new mounts that will be welded to the frame rails:
This is an M16 tapped hole to accept the new adaptor:
This is the adaptor I made today:
It's M16 outside thread and M10 down the middle. This will be screwed to the underside of the bracket up to the flange and glued in so basically the bracket and adaptor will become one component. The rubber mounts will then be screwed into that and fitted as a whole. The other end stud will then go through the frame brackets and have a nut and spring washer put on.
I'll be getting the other adaptor done tomorrow and then I can remount the brackets and get the frame mounts tacked into place.
I need to pick up another bottle of gas for the welder before then though as someone left it on (definitely me).
I also had my rear coilovers arrive today. I'm not sure if they're man enough yet but they will drop the frame at least 90mm so even if they do for mock-up then that's fine. £32 delivered. They are an eye mount both ends so if anyone has any ideas on cars that have this set up and cheaply available coilies then I'm open to suggestions.
These are they anyway. Shiny!:
They look super weedy there but there will be significantly less weight at the back than there would have been originally.
I'll update tomorrow if I get the motor mounted.
I took the original engine mounts and brackets in to work this week as one rubber mount had been cut off and the top cap was seized into the aluminium bracket. It took some doing but finally it came free. I'd ordered some new rubber doughnuts off eBay but the only trouble I had was that the studs on the new mounts were M10 where the old mounts were M12. The other issue was that the studs on the new rubbers were only 20mm long. That meant that the stud would only poke out of the mount about 2mm to try and get a nut on. Unacceptable.
As the brackets were corroded anyway I decided the best course of action was to drill them out, tap them and then make an insert adaptor to pick up the new M10 threads.
This is one of the new mounting rubbers:
These are the old brackets that I've de-seamed and sanded down to remove the corrosion. You can also see the new mounts that will be welded to the frame rails:
This is an M16 tapped hole to accept the new adaptor:
This is the adaptor I made today:
It's M16 outside thread and M10 down the middle. This will be screwed to the underside of the bracket up to the flange and glued in so basically the bracket and adaptor will become one component. The rubber mounts will then be screwed into that and fitted as a whole. The other end stud will then go through the frame brackets and have a nut and spring washer put on.
I'll be getting the other adaptor done tomorrow and then I can remount the brackets and get the frame mounts tacked into place.
I need to pick up another bottle of gas for the welder before then though as someone left it on (definitely me).
I also had my rear coilovers arrive today. I'm not sure if they're man enough yet but they will drop the frame at least 90mm so even if they do for mock-up then that's fine. £32 delivered. They are an eye mount both ends so if anyone has any ideas on cars that have this set up and cheaply available coilies then I'm open to suggestions.
These are they anyway. Shiny!:
They look super weedy there but there will be significantly less weight at the back than there would have been originally.
I'll update tomorrow if I get the motor mounted.