Right, today I have had a bit of a detailing session because the car hasn't been cleaned since JAE.
I did an oil and filter change yesterday and fitted new plugs and leads a few weeks ago after my
Splitfire leads gave up.
My Toyo T1R's were running low on tread so I have brought Texas Pete's old front GTi wheels for
the tyres and repainted them. (Cheers Tommo)
Cleaned the calipers and discs up + the suspension and arches.
Also recently stripped out all the sound deadening and took out all the carpets and trim in
preperation for Shakeys next weekend. The stereo and doorcards will also come out on the day.
Engine bay cleaned up.
Money shots.
In serious need of rear wheel spacers.
Removed Almera Badge and Pedo Bear sticker added.
Also cleaned the Mrs' Fiesta, which was filthy by the way. Fuck knows where she goes when I'm at
work, the dirty bitch.