SuperDan's New N15 GTI

9000 RPM or nothing, when my revs hit your limit i need to drop a gear asap.

Was it 9000rpm and a crappy ECU map that killed POC's VE?

I'm revving mine upto 8500 becasue A) I have S+R and B) the use of the extra revs even if it's not gaining power on the track is very handy.
Was it 9000rpm and a crappy ECU map that killed POC's VE?

I'm revving mine upto 8500 becasue A) I have S+R and B) the use of the extra revs even if it's not gaining power on the track is very handy.


The highest rpm mine seen was 8300, eventually found out it was damaged pistons from bad fuelling. Must have occured early on in build and weakened pistons or else in 5th gear at 6krpm after i sold it!
And David I only have 17bhp more than you and less tourqe..... So why our are 1/4mile times sooooooooo different??
Thought figures meant nothing

And once again can a mod please delete this thread!
Can you not fit a strut bar? Or just cant afford one :lol:

REALLY you are SERIOUSLY gettting on my nerves!

all you have ranted about is a fucking VE and then not about having the money to do it yet etc! needing to build up to it - when you go out and paint your wheels the same colour as the leftovers i leave after a vindaloo.

lol Dan I'm sure you northern monkys like giving it but can't take it ;)

speak to dan not us "northerners" mr Ed - thankyouplease!

figures dont mean SHIT if you cant drive a car. sssimples!....

17bhp and all that crap really gets irratating - i dont mind banter etc but seriously! ???

put 17bhp on a strip and it dont mean nothing!

only way your getting your time down is spending time on the track - learning your launch, learning your car and when to shift!

most people sit there going on about built not bought aswell! crap half of it. because i guarentee 50% of the people that have built there cars hve actually bought the parts from someone elses build - after asking the person like 60 questions through pm etc on how and what to do with it!

rather than actually knowing how an engine runs etc!
reading through a run down of what to do and following it step by step - you stop them half way through and say WHY did you just put that in there! and they go - because it says to!

yes im in a ratty mood, yes im winging but seriously some times this forum get VERY childish at times!

people spounting figures etc because they have READ it on a forum. just grinds on me!

you CANT tell people what to do and not to do through reading a forum - yes you can advise and say people have had an issue with it etc because so and so. but when people start saying you MUST put in a VE etc is rubbish!

if i had a spare grand to "shot in another engine" it would NOT be a fucking VE. but then i wouldnt put it in an almera either though so :p

people that sit for months researching and trialing things building there "creation" are people i would like to listen to! shaggy annoys the shit out of me by being so "secrative" - its a fucking car fella! at times i really think your spending THOUSANDS just to say - beat ya dan. which to me is VERY VERY silly.

i would like you to build the engine and say why etc. i am actually very intriugued to your build - from what people and little whispers i hear sound like a very good build. i would just actually like to see it!

this is why i sometimes like the "area" forums, because everyone hasnt got the same car and its not competition. its about building something to be proud of! not just to boast. :(

this forum does really lack build threads. step by steps of little things like how they made a bracket, and why they made it. how they spent hours doing it etc.

its seems like its just "put a ve in"

ill actually end my rant as im getting annoyed at myself aswell!


night peoples
errrr............. weight, suspension, tyres, weight, engine mounts

my GTi beez on KYB shocks and springs, 195 rubber, mild stripping and 11yr old standard engine mount that hate 180lb-ft. its my one and only car, i need it every day for work. i kind drive it nicely enjoyin A/C in the warm summers months, x7 speakers and a comfy ride :)

when' Joe beats yam time, your gunna feel so silly lad
who ? im gonna loo silly?

why am i?

i said during my "rant" joe annoys me because im interested in his build it jsut he keeps it secret - as if he cares more about beating dan.
i personally dont care!

i just wanna be interested in what people have done to their engines!
i dont care about times! thus why i have never been down a strip, or on a rolling road!
dan will look silly if' joe beats him, then its gunna be by 0.2 at the very most tbf. i rate Joe, he's after the DE n/a 1/4 record (which has stood for more years than my grandads NCB figure lol) and going for it hard.
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