Bwahahahaha, well I'm just back after giving the weekly dust down of the car and I thought while I was out I would try out the second boost control relay that I had setup.
With only a relatively small port on the relay, I thought that it would maybe only bleed off enough air from the wategate control line to allow for maybe 5 psi extra at a most.
Well, was I in for a suprise...
After sitting in 4th gear and holding the button on the steering wheel to activate the second boost controller, I watched with delight, as the boost gauge showed the needle going past the 12 psi mark, but this sooned turned to horror as it rocketed past the 20 psi mark as well... :shock: :shock: :shock:
This is where I got off the throttle.
So in order to set it up safely, I have booked the car into the dyno' @ AVA tomorrow afternoon, with a possibility of going beyond 22 psi.