'The Sleeper'

That's what makes me skeptical about that VE+T powered B13 Sentra that supposedly made 650 odds WHP on a stock P11-144 gearbox!

All of the 6 speed FWD Nissan gearboxs, i.e. RS6F51A / H are virtually the same, par the gear ratios and open or helical diff.

It can be done, I just don't know if I want to do it or not.

Maybe I should just call it a day and let someone else take over!
Nooo keep at it. Take Sam's advice then and limit the power, find the limit and just go out and have fun with it :thumb: I'd rather have safe power and fun rather than striving for ultimate power and a headache (and heartache!).
Well Dave, your support really helped me out with my GA+T when i was down and almost out. I feel i owe you for that.

Understandably the gearbox issue is proving to problematic and frustrating, and you seem to be chasing more power than the P11-144 box can handle.

Personally, i would go down the route of another p11-144 box and keep the boost at around 20psi, 400whp is a LOT of power!

Enjoy the car, get yourself on track/drag strip and have a bit of fun. Im sure you want to get some improved 1/4 times down this year with your new tyres.:thumb: Im sure there are significant improvements to be had now with the extra traction.

Although, if you're craving more power, maybe some other transmission is the answer, but obviously it means more £££, and reliability still cant be assured.

The Micra you built was hectic with less power, why not play it safe with the power next time round but perhaps concentrate on weight loss to gain that extra speed?

Lets see some fiberglass panels and polycarbonate windows.

Its your call at the end of the day, but i think i can speak for everyone when i say no-one wants to see you sell up.
Your unwavering desire for "MORE POWER" is what's so awsome about this car. You know it's at limits and yet you still try to push the envelope further.

Fuck them Dave, don't strip it :D
dave wot manifold are your running for the external wastegate,is it alot of work to change from internal to external

It was one that I bought many a year ago, and I added a branch to accept the external wastegate.

It isn't difficult to do really, just time consuming more than anything else.

how about we start with him removing the interior he is so stubborn to keep

LOL, yeah and who the hell is going to buy an Almera with no interior?

Nah, I have decided that I will have to repair it anyways.

So if anyone has two spare non-roller rocker arms give me a shout.

I'll go looking for another gearbox on Wednesday when I am off next.

The good thing is, I still have the full map for the 22 psi setup, so that will only take a few minutes to upload to the ECU.

Thanks for the support guys!

Your unwavering desire for "MORE POWER" is what's so awsome about this car. You know it's at limits and yet you still try to push the envelope further.

Which ironically is it's biggest downfall.
Dave - didnt little bandit run its best time with less power? I remember when you finally got it back on track and you were over the moon with it (Until the accident of course).
Yeah, Little Bandit did run it's best time with less power than it ended up with.

Going to a breakers yard this afternoon to see if they have any gearboxes....FINGERS CROSSED!
I managed to get a couple of non-roller rocker arms from a member on the NPOC for £30 inc. postage...RESULT!!!

He is sending them out tomorrow, so I should hopefully get the engine running again within the next week.

As for a gearbox, I have found numerous 70A models fitted to the QG18DE engines, so I am hoping to just swap out the gearstacks.

Going to do a bit of investigating to see if it can be done, but I am sure it will be OK.
This isn't looking good...

I talked to GRE tonight and he still has the stock 5th gear on the stack and 3rd gear is broken.

I'm not going to spend all my money on a gear stack that still breaks 3rd gear...what is the point in that?

I am leaning towards the 6 speed conversion now, especially since Mazworx do a conversion kit off the shelf.

There are 3 6 speed P12 DCi's being broken at my local scrap yard...they seem to be quite common, being a taxi car and all, and they also have tall gearing, which is perfect for turbo.
I found a sale yesterday on the SR20 FORUM, in which a member is selling a treated, welded & powercoated B13 transmission casing, brand new PAR gearset and brand new NISMO LSD.

He wants $1900 + shipping!


So, when it arrives my NISMO LSD that is in my car at the moment will be for sale.



P.S. I changed my mind about the PAR gearset as I found out GRE was pushing about 650 BHP when it broke...I'm not at that level, and never want to be!

I found a sale yesterday on the SR20 FORUM, in which a member is selling a treated, welded & powercoated B13 transmission casing, brand new PAR gearset and brand new NISMO LSD.

He wants $1900 + shipping!


So, when it arrives my NISMO LSD that is in my car at the moment will be for sale.



P.S. I changed my mind about the PAR gearset as I found out GRE was pushing about 650 BHP when it broke...I'm not at that level, and never want to be!

Same gearset/diff as me? Nice to know the threshold of when it breaks - I'm not going to be anywhere near that. Although I've heard from quite a few who seem to be running their FWD GTiR at 700! nuts.

Although Dave, when you say you are not going to be anywhere near 650bhp which side are you talking from higher or lower?
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