Wolverine 1.5 N16

Well I'm afraid to say this might be going up for sale in the next month or so depends if i need the money after buying new car if all goes to plan when i go to see it:) I haven't fully decided yet I might keep it in the garage as a second car,
But will let you all know if a for sale sign does go up tho and even private plate might stay on depends on price ;)
Who knows :) I'll leave you all in dispense :taz:


I'd take a VQ35DE+T N16 over an sr20 anyday :P

however all that weight up the front would make it an interesting car to drive.
Haha yas are no where near you will just have to see when I kick ya ass with it :lol: but I have fallen in love with this and wouldn't usually go for it but there you go I can't wait to see it :lol: :taz:
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