A little something to keep me busy

That looks like a comfy sofa!

A few more things purchased; Pair of brand new front arches, liquid polyurethane for bush making, some rear pads and both window motors/runners to hopefully solve the dead window issues.

Ive got just over a week of leave left and the plan is to get the rear subframe all stripped down and de-bushed ready for galvanize(which im hoping a mate will drop off and collect while im away). Im also hoping to get the back end of the passenger sill finished and drivers side done too, a coat of zinc primer and then underseal the back end of the car. That way as soon as ive got some more time off I can throw the subframe back on and start stripping the front.
Brakes and hubs removed
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Diff and shafts out
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Trailing arms next
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Links/brackets before 2013-12-29 14.13.51.jpg

After much time with wire wheel and brush attachment on the drill.
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All the bushes and ball joints are in fully usable condition so im not replacing, except trailing arms as ive got polys for them. Only thing needed for the rear end is pair of wheel bearings as there was a small amount of play in them.

Im not galvanizing now as there are bushes in each part that I cant find replacements for, so the plan is shot blast and paint. Im just undecided on colour. I keep thinking I should just do them POR15 black for ease and durability, but Im liking the idea of a pearl blue or candy red. Hmmm.

If I can find someone who can shotblast this week, I could have it all reassembled and fitted before I go back to work.
Decided on trusty hammerite silver for the links and brackets.
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Dropped the trailing arms, cross member, arbs and bumper bar off at the sand blasters today. Pick them up thursday so will primer them in the evening. Hopefully that will be dry for a top coat the following morning. Probably not gonna have time to reassemble before i go back as id like to let the paint cure for a few days due to no heat facilities in the garage.
Brackets and link ready and waiting
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Back from the blasters
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Hung and primed
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Colour goes on tomorrow :)

Also cleaned and painted calipers and carriers
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Cant do any welding as the wire melted in the tip and cant replacements locally due to gasless :( wont get it all back on before i go now. Shit happens i suppose.
Looking great leem, so whats your goal with this? You putting it back to oem/full restoration or you going to be doing a few perfomance mods too?

Also you gonna sell it when youve finished or keep it, I reckon once its fully restored it will be worth quite a bit if you keep it drystored for a year or 2 :)

Fantastic job man.
Oh yes i did...
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2014-01-02 14.00.33.jpg

Also got a 3" cutoff tool and cut out the rest of the rust down the passenger side. Ill make up a few of the plates tomorrow, but probably wont get them welded in til easter now! Been quite a productive week really, if i can get the hubs cleaned and painted, poly trailing arm bushes in and the subframe back together on saturday ill be happy with what ive managed.
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