A little something to keep me busy

Got the rear subframe back together today.

On further removal of rust its looking more and more terminal. Inner sills are rusty too. Not overally sure if its worth carrying on, 1 for time, 2 for cost/parts availability and 3 for lack of ability when it cones to shaping/fabricating bodywork/panels.

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Great work buddy. If you need any advice or help on the bodywork side give me a shout. Could always head up for a weekend and blitz it with you. I'd suggest going over the whole lot and making a list of the panels that need doing.
Driver rear quarter, both sills, both doors, inner front wings, front panel, front chassis rails and various patches underneath.

Bonnet is the only panel without rust.
Everything is repairable. Like you've said though, would it be worth the expense and time? If you're just patching them up to get rid I the rust then it's still achievable. Concourse repairs are probably not the area to investigate with this but I think you know that. :)
Its repairing the inners sills well enough to retain strength. Plus i could really do wit a new welder as mine isnt up to the job.
Can you buy pattern sills? If you can is cut the whole section out and then you can see what you have on the inner sills. 2mm plate/sheet would be plenty strong enough on the inners. Reasonably easy to form and easy to weld. I'd be inclined to go for a gas welder though if you can set yours up for that. I was running those little bottles for ages but I've got a rent free big bottle now from Adams Gas (Hobby Gas). You pay a deposit on the bottle and then just pay for refills. It's the way forward. They have loads of reps across the country.
Like I say mate if you need a hand for a weekend then I could pack up my stuff and come down. Welder and everything.
Doubtful on getting sills. It took 3 months to find replacement arches.

Yeah i need a gas mig as my little hobby gasless one has limited range. Its sll money though, looking around 3-400 for a decent mig and a bottle of gas. In reality im not even gonna be starting on the welding/getting a new welder until feb/march next year as ill be away for 6-7months from mid july!

Cheers for offer dude, i may just take you up on it :)
Doubtful on getting sills. It took 3 months to find replacement arches.

Yeah i need a gas mig as my little hobby gasless one has limited range. Its sll money though, looking around 3-400 for a decent mig and a bottle of gas. In reality im not even gonna be starting on the welding/getting a new welder until feb/march next year as ill be away for 6-7months from mid july!

Cheers for offer dude, i may just take you up on it :)

Serious offer dude. Expenses covered; I'm game.

I got a decent MIG from the local auctions for £75 and the gas was £36 for the gas and a £50 deposit for the bottle. I had a job to do with it so that basically covered my costs. Pretty nice little Cebora. 90 AMP so not mega powerful but I've welded 6mm mild with it no problems.
I found some motivation for this. Ive ordered a new welder so I can get some reapirs going. Went anf bought a sheet of steel today so I could start making panels/plates ready for welding at the end of January. Starting with the rear of the passenger sill.
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Thats all the pieces to rebuild passenger side rear.

Also made a couple of patches for the middle of tge passenger sill.

Wedneaday should see me finish making bits for the passenger side.

That leaves me thursday, friday and saturday to do the drivers side, which is far worse!
Finshed making the passenger side, well nearly. Im leaving the little joining bit for when the bigger bits are in situ as its a nightmare trying to juggle 5bits and measure the gaps. Also blasted some underseal on the rear end for good measure.IMG-20141231-WA0004.jpeg 20141231_145042.jpg

Anyone want to help put that lot together?
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