Almera GTI+T

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ph1 got them from ebay, and white biscuit i have no idea who you are pal, and what you posted first makes me think you did accuse me, and paint it a huge issue but tbh i rather someone think my car is a bag of balls and when i put my foot down, there like i didnt expect that lol. i got the dials for £16 not bad to say i paid 30 for my other ones that didnt work. They have got led lights in them and it has loads of wires coming out of the back it has one positive wire and one negative i have no idea what to connect them to because they dont light up at night, anyone know what im onabout or am i talking jibberish????
oh and my decat fell off from the centre pipe bit needs welding on get it done tommorrow another bit of money leavin me bak pocket, sounds like a muscle car lol
i think william yung had some made up for the p1 he was trying to get a group buy going so do a seach for that on here omair
Yeah could be good, you've left you self a big project paint wise. If you wanted to do the job properly you'd have to do the engine bay aswell therefore needing the engine and all parts from the bay removed :(

White can be good but yours looks like you've painted it with Tip ex :/
No offense haha

Anyway goodluck and keep us all updated bud!

Lol I totally agree but it's funny wen someone look at you car and think what a bag of balls and when you put your foot down there like :O did that really just happen lol, but I will sort it out at a later stage once my engine mods get done. But I will definatly get my flywheel and cams done need a bit more power :D thanks for the comments let's hope THE TIPEX MOBILE has a new lick of paint in the future
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