Craigs New Datsun Sunny

ive read through all of the recent posts and i get the feeling your thinking about this too much mate,

get yourself some valve stem seals, a cosworth gasket and bang the fucker back together.

your burning oil just now because your using too thin an oil, on all my gtir engine builds( 9 to date) first oil is mineral (50 miles),

then 15w 40 semi synthetic for 1000 miles.
(200 miles)
(250 miles)
(500 miles)

oil and filter change after each

after 1000 miles then move up to what oil you want (personally i use 10w 40 upto 330hp)

have confidence in yourself, but id recommend getting a second opinion on your mapping as theres something not right there.

you shouldnt be getting that amount of det.
cheers martyn

after thinkin about it more the last couple of days i've come to pretty much the same conclusion

cosworth gasket is ordered, got some valve stem seals today and gonna do the pcv too just to be safe

think you're right about the oil too, i'll drop that and stick some 15w in when the top ends done this week, then see.

as for the det on mapping, tbf i only had 97ron in the car at the time, and with oil getting into it probably ended up a lot lower than 97 so it's hardly surprising. I'll use 99 next time and with no oil i'm sure it'll be fine.

then hopefully be up your neck of the woods soon enough, cheers mate
my tuppins worth now.

Second of all...Craig, had a good read through.

If your CR is over the 13+ mark, unless you have the best bloody tuner this is gonna be difficult to map. i assume you said since you think they took more off the head and block you didnt want it as bad?

I would recommend perhaps getting the pistons shaved a bit, and a 2mm head gasket, that comp needs to come down.

As for the FPR, Get rid of it, VE's have 2 stock FPR's so i think your opening a can of worms and since your going for a remap anyways prob just being a pain.

Adjustible cam gears.....again VVL means variable valve timing, its more fannying about. get rid of it.

If the engine was was detonating, this means inside those cylinders are getting hot, the CP's should handle it but the rings will be at there limits. You should NOT feel anything on the bores, you should see hone marks but thats it, Get those barrels honed again mate, and new piston rings,

If your running a DE ecu, run your ignition timing to 13-15 degrees, the DE ecu is designed for this, run and only run 99 octane Shell V-Power...stop wasting your money on octane boosters, they are a load of shit to be honest. (i assume its a de, if not correct me)

Running in your car, do 150 miles with running in oil, change the oil, then put in the grade of oil you want to use, change it after 500 miles and then again just before the remap. i reckon 1000 miles run in is the best. Dont take the revs over 2.5 k but dont do a constant speed either, It needs to be variable load. Running in properly is the difference between a car fucking up after a few hunder miles and lasting 100k+ miles.

Try and get that greddy MSS to switch both cams independantly. set low switch points, to test but do this nearer the 1000 mile mark, this prevents the engine fucking up. once mapped dont change the greddy, the ecu will be mapped according to switch points, if you change then your map points become useless.

Make sure your injectors are at least 333cc numbers, Over fuelling a car is better than running it lean. bear in mind fuel also acts as a coolant hence leaning your engine makes fuel burn hotted.

Get a new set of plugs, or clean the old ones if they are platinum or iridium, put a shitty set in till you run in the engine, put the new plugs in just before the remap, this will help for the tuning as fuel will burn better.

I am planning a custom DE/VE build, I have sat worked out the values, and spoke to my bro in law, He was a mechanic but also a car hobbyist for 30 years, and i learned a lot from him, he has never had issues on engine rebuilds and done them for years. so i trust his judgement, and giving his rep he used to build the best engines out there in this area in his time.

I personally think you have done a good job, i think something has just been overlooked. Fuck the ciritisism mate, you will get it right. You might not be a mechanic, but this gives you more determination to get it done right, not all mechanics are great, one of my local garages is a cowboy and been a mechanic for 20 years...and he's still a dick!
I disagree with some of what's written there, but I'm on my phone so the major comeback will have to wait.

Ve's only have 1 fuel regulator the other is a fuel dampener.. don't know what it does but that's what it is... its not a regulator having two wouldn't make sense.
I dont see the point in having one when your going for a remap, They are good for a fine tune without a remap, but nothing more

@sam - I half expect everyone to disagree with everything i said
my tuppins worth now.

Second of all...Craig, had a good read through.

If your CR is over the 13+ mark, unless you have the best bloody tuner this is gonna be difficult to map. i assume you said since you think they took more off the head and block you didnt want it as bad?

I would recommend perhaps getting the pistons shaved a bit, and a 2mm head gasket, that comp needs to come down.

I'm not convinced it'a over 13, if its even there. and the trouble with a really thick 2mm gasket is it reduces the squish area which in turn (somehow lol) reduces the resistance to pinking - thereby cancelling out any advantages the thicker headgasket provides by lowering compression. I have just received a 1.5mm Cosworth gasket to lower it a little and i'm confident it should be ok

As for the FPR, Get rid of it, VE's have 2 stock FPR's so i think your opening a can of worms and since your going for a remap anyways prob just being a pain.

like sam said one's a dampener and i only fitted the fpr for run in to avoid running lean before mapping. I kept a keen eye on my plugs for signs of leanness and overfuelling and on run in it wan't bad at all. I might remove it after i'm mapped again though like you say

Adjustible cam gears.....again VVL means variable valve timing, its more fannying about. get rid of it.

Can't say i agree with this, countless threads on the dash show how useful cam gears are in terms of moving the power band, especially it seems by narrowing the lobe seperation angle. ie. +5, -5 seems to be a common setting

If the engine was was detonating, this means inside those cylinders are getting hot, the CP's should handle it but the rings will be at there limits. You should NOT feel anything on the bores, you should see hone marks but thats it, Get those barrels honed again mate, and new piston rings,

The tops of my pistons look pretty good so the det can't have been that bad, there's no chunks missing lol, and it's not det-ing at all now so all is perfectly safe. In an ideal world i would rehone and ring it but due to money and time issues i'll only do that at a later date if needs be

If your running a DE ecu, run your ignition timing to 13-15 degrees, the DE ecu is designed for this, run and only run 99 octane Shell V-Power...stop wasting your money on octane boosters, they are a load of shit to be honest. (i assume its a de, if not correct me)

Yeh i'm aiming for a base timing of 15' but i do disagree about some octane boosters. I reckon a good lot are a load of shite, but have seen 2 or 3 independant tests showing 2 brands of booster to genuinely raise octane rating by a few points so i'm not sure. I might take a bottle with me to the mapping sesh and see if it makes any difference on dyno to where the timing map can be advanced to

Running in your car, do 150 miles with running in oil, change the oil, then put in the grade of oil you want to use, change it after 500 miles and then again just before the remap. i reckon 1000 miles run in is the best. Dont take the revs over 2.5 k but dont do a constant speed either, It needs to be variable load. Running in properly is the difference between a car fucking up after a few hunder miles and lasting 100k+ miles.

Try and get that greddy MSS to switch both cams independantly. set low switch points, to test but do this nearer the 1000 mile mark, this prevents the engine fucking up. once mapped dont change the greddy, the ecu will be mapped according to switch points, if you change then your map points become useless.

Yeh definitely mate, i'm pretty sure one channel on my mss is goosed so will probably buy a vtec switch to control the other channle before mapping

Make sure your injectors are at least 333cc numbers, Over fuelling a car is better than running it lean. bear in mind fuel also acts as a coolant hence leaning your engine makes fuel burn hotted.

Yeh i'm runnin 333 ve injectors mate and the fuellings all spot on atm so it's all safe n sound

Get a new set of plugs, or clean the old ones if they are platinum or iridium, put a shitty set in till you run in the engine, put the new plugs in just before the remap, this will help for the tuning as fuel will burn better.

^This i do need to do before the next map session

I am planning a custom DE/VE build, I have sat worked out the values, and spoke to my bro in law, He was a mechanic but also a car hobbyist for 30 years, and i learned a lot from him, he has never had issues on engine rebuilds and done them for years. so i trust his judgement, and giving his rep he used to build the best engines out there in this area in his time.

I personally think you have done a good job, i think something has just been overlooked. Fuck the ciritisism mate, you will get it right. You might not be a mechanic, but this gives you more determination to get it done right, not all mechanics are great, one of my local garages is a cowboy and been a mechanic for 20 years...and he's still a dick!

Cheers for the input dude. i'm not listening to any criticism lol, i'm happy - my main problem was the engine hypochondria that made me rush into removing the head lol, although at least it has let me fit a slightly thicker HG so we'll see
well my HG will go on today, i'm not sure if i can get mapped in time if i leave the car as it is, howeverrrr - i have a couple of other mods i wanna get on b4 final mapping which i can't afford until next week or so so probably not no rob.

hopefully squeeze a rwyb in before end of oct though
so i went to button down the head tonight and errrrrrrrrr, snapped an arp stud! :zoidberg:

fuck knows how, same routine as last time, all done in 3 equal steps, with arp moly lube. went to 30lb first, then 75, then on the first bolt goin to the final 105lb spec it just seemed to keep turning, i i knew something was wrong but didn't know what to do.

pingggg, snapped and stretched like fook. think i might just use stock nissan ones now but want some free arps on warranty
sam, want the rear bumper and wide arches off that, yum

Craig man you have the worst luck!

fucking tell me about it ed :(

it just makes me look like a cack handed prick but i followed everything to the arp instructions. it all worked the first time, but apparently not the second :(
I believe it mate, as some times this stuff happens but it all seems to happen to you, and all the time! Keep at it though you'll get there and you know it'll be worth it :)
A dont know why i bother even trying with you lot!!!

And i never said it was a FAIL DID I??

So dont try and start coming back at me about my car, cos mine is faultless now!

And i only edited my post for grammer and spelling issues, as i was on my phone, next time i wont bother!!

all bolts are being done to correct sequence, and yes nissan ones do stretch andi wouldn't use them again.

the arp's though from what i read somewhere aren't stretch bolts, certainly nowhere near enough to warrant new ones or the strtch re torquing procedure. But apparently what i read is wrong cos they stretched like fuck using the same original torque.

it snapped high enough up the stud to be able to remove it when i can be bothered to lift the head


as for your edit mclovin, try reading it properly the first time ;) so no i didn't re-use stock studs. And as for that being a FAIL, i'm pretty sure your car has reused stock studs in it anyway lolol hahahaha

but nice one all the ssame ;)
Personally i would have stuck to stock Nissan ones, unless your going turbo, This might have bee the potential issue for something going wrong on the engine, the stud may have been stretching when engine was running, Save yourself some heartache mate and get some genuine Nissan ones mate. I dont see any benefits to having them
yep indeed mate, nissan ones have just been ordered for delivery tuesday ;)

here's the supposed superstrength, non stretching arp stud at just over 70lb/ft it started stretching like this, look how narrow and and elongated that fuckers got, not good....


like you say, maybe they stretched, the head lifted, watter loss etc
Main purpose of head studs. To keep the head from lifting off the gasket and block

I'm guessing the amount of compression will do this. At a push, if you've got 13:1 mate with atmospheric pressure, standard bolts will be sufficient

Turbos use updated bolts due to the dynamic compression being so high eg 9.5:1 + 1 bar boost is a hell of a lot more than atmospheric p

Or am I talking crap? I'm sitting in a shopping centre, with a fresh haircut and freezing my boys off :lol:

yeah steve your correct, Any N/A build i dont see the point in head studs, I looked into them but though just be a waste of money,

I think that most Nissan components can just be as good as uprated. A nice set of head bolts will see you alright.
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