Craigs New Datsun Sunny

As Sam said, find TDC with the screwdriver method (or shell out on a dial gauge).
Then the dowels should be cock on 10 & 12.
If thats at TDC now... then both the intake & exhaust cam sprockets need to be rotated 1 tooth clockwise IMO..
The Chain slack might rectify itself when you get the timing bang on.
As Sam said, find TDC with the screwdriver method (or shell out on a dial gauge).
Then the dowels should be cock on 10 & 12.
If thats at TDC now... then both the intake & exhaust cam sprockets need to be rotated 1 tooth clockwise IMO..
The Chain slack might rectify itself when you get the timing bang on.

my thoughts exactly, just doin it now, i'll post up pics when done

oil in the head and on dipstick looks clean and perfect

i'm hoping the comp readings are timing related, and if you think the lower comp readings were from cylinders 1 & 4, both on thesame stroke position...
Nice to see you're taking it easy this time with regards to stripping the head off. Slowly and surely wins the race.
fingers crossed and if it was that then im going to smash your back doors in soo hard that the aftermath will be like a microwaved cherry bakewell tart
Looks off.
No 1 cylinder cam lobes should be equally facing away from each other. The inlet is off.

You should then have 20 links between the sprocket timing dots.

Should be like this without the chain slack........

Dont worry about the mayo it may be residue stuff from the last problem.
i did have the 20pins but they were both off a tooth, all done now...


time to go get her up to temp, do a comp test and see how she runs

yeh tensioners still out haha, dont worry, and i'll be sure to knowck the dizzy back to the middle before starting it too

*fingers crossed*
cos he's mr. anal :stuart:

so, comp test with correct cam timing shows...

cylinder 1: 260psi
cylinder 2: 260psi
cylinder 3: 250psi
cylinder 4: 255psi

:clap: and the award for AOC DRAMA QUEEN and SOAP OPERA THREAD OF THE YEAR goes to......... :punk:

weeezzzz, you have my back doors to attend to nowwww :donatello:

got some black smoke and major pops n bangs at high revs but presuming it's unburnt fuel from when it was uber retarded....
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