craiGTi's ph2 GTi

That looks brilliant, alot better than I imagined it would look like. Mine is gonna be the black version of yours pretty soon!
nail on the head so to speak, clean up the threads grease them all with copper grease then wrap some electrical tape around the threads ;) works a treat,
be aware that you may want to get your tracking alignment etc checked once you lower it again I was surprised when I did mine that it all needed readjusting........

bike inner tube may work well though ......
wouldnt bother taping it to be honest, good coating of copper grease is a total arse to get off so its not going to wash off easily, plus once you start wrapping it, it creates something to hold the water against the threads
looking swish mate!

makes me think i should tidy mine up a little :P

love the colour of our babies!

although i must admit mine has seen better days being the workhorse and everything!

ill get round to cleaning her up a little when im not working on others, dont even have time to hoover her out!

makes me want coilys too

i like the standards better to be honest. just needs cleaning and rather painting or coating
Without mincing words, I preferred it with the rotas, but it doesnt look bad on standards, but your rotas are nice. In essence I'm saying that both are nice. Both the rotas and the standard wheels make the car look good, but if it were up to me I'd have the rotas 1st, standard wheels 2nd. If I only had the standard wheels I'd be happy also as they look good too, just not as good as the rotas.....
Looks like any other GTi on standard unpainted wheels...*yawn*...but I also agree with corbs :lol:

...bring back the Rotas.
looking swish mate!
makes me think i should tidy mine up a little :P
love the colour of our babies!
although i must admit mine has seen better days being the workhorse and everything!
ill get round to cleaning her up a little when im not working on others, dont even have time to hoover her out!
makes me want coilys too
i like the standards better to be honest. just needs cleaning and rather painting or coating

cheers mate, but don't be fooled by the pics! could definitely do with some tidying up here n there, to many stone cips and a few scuffs n scratches dotted around. Unfortunately the dreaded rust is startin too! :eek: Hopefully will catch it before it get's bad.

and i agree, i love the colour of ours :D

@ everyone else, cheers lads, and don't worry most of you, the rotas will defo be back when they have new tyres on. Pic whoring now but so :P side by side the rotas juts look that bit different and loads better imo, and in the flesh looks loads meaner, standards look a bit tame!


No competition! :cool:

Which brings on another stupid question, with the bonnet badge or without?! I think the badge is to blame for these saab comments i have had a couple of! :P I do like it though...

Cosmetics done though, (apart from vz-r rears and a poss respray, but hey that's nothing) - on to power. The cams are damn good but i want MORE... :lol:
actually re looking at them side by side i quite like the rota's aswell haha

take the badge off, destracts away from the low smoothness you got going on!

i must admit - and you can ask dan this! - my almera has 1 tiny spot of rust1 and i mean tiny - it is on the bootlid, and is the size of a screw head if that! and it right in the centre of the metal too - so can only thing something been put on inside the boot!

the lowness just makes it look mean!
yeh i think it's better without the badge ;)

and cheers, bonnet adjusted - just for you sam :cool:


And yes sam that is a touch of rust on the front wing, and yes that is a cracked headlight, i have a spare set waitin to be changed in the garage! :p

also, has anyone got any tips for undoing my coily locking ring?! :( clearly didn't grease it enough last time.

tried the usual, hittin with wood between, penetratin oil, loads of leverage. heat it up? and how hot, i got a hot air gun here, not sure about a blow lamp which i suspect i'll need...

MOT FAIL!!!!!!!!!! :( :mad: :mad: :mad: :(:wall::wall::angry::angry::mad::(:doh!::angry::wall::evil::evil:

Sounded no big deal at first, emissions the guy said. Oh right, the cat was cheap and shagged i'll drop another on in mate.

No, he says. All readings are really high and all over the place, one minute they're high, we rev it and the levels drop, then high again. he says.

It's not burning fuel properly either, we have no idea what it is and it'll take a lot of time tryin different things to find it. he says.

So fuckin wonderful, i almost don't even give a shit now.

What's peoples opinions on next move? I think take it to nissan to be put on consult and see what errors that throws up, then hopefully be something i can do.

If that doesn't work i have no idea, but the guy said all readings were up so just tryin cat/lambda etc probably wouldn't do anythin.

Help, please....... :(
O2 sensor fcuked, no wait folks say these thing run fine with out em hhhmmmm not sure. hows it sound when you rev it, missing or fine? timing must be well off, does engine management light come on at all?
O2 sensor fcuked, no wait folks say these thing run fine with out em hhhmmmm not sure. hows it sound when you rev it, missing or fine? timing must be well off, does engine management light come on at all?

i thought that, said o2 sensor or cat etc, but he said it's just all over the place.

really weird cos engines seemd ok since it went in, i didn't think it was pulling right at high revs, but that's it. i tried changiin timing before it went it. It's not missin or anythin, and no engine light, weird! ...
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