craiGTi's ph2 GTi

ahh right, i'll try that too tomorrow. ta

got a lambda and maf coming anyway, just to cover the bases.

cheers for the help lads, it will run properly again! :D Can't wait, it's shown litle glimpses of bein awesome again recently, soon it will be permanent!
Well, went ans saw stu today - top bloke - and picked up new maf and lambda, cheers mate.

First put em on and idle was instantly settled at 750/800rpm, but went down the road and it was a little hesitant. Cleaned the afm and tried again and it was pulling like hell, smooth and hesitation free all through the revs. :D

Only thing now is a bit of black smoke occassionally and it smells a little 'sooty'! lol

any ideas? seems loads better though and fingers crossed that's it! :cool:

cheers stu
it will be clearing its guts now!

but glad you got sorted!

what you wanna do is give it a good thrashing! then take it in for an emissions test straight after
yeh, should be cool i think.

although without being pessimistic (which is probably inevitable now!) i'm gonna make a prediction that my cat's knackered as well! :lol:

Just went out in it again and fook me! :D Tis the first time it seems to have run properly, smoothly and pulled so well! :thumbs:

Absolutely flying now, 2nd and 3rd feel savage! lol. can't wait for MOT now, then bring on de-cat and cat back system!

I love my car! :lol:

cheers for the help lads
well done craig :thumb:

glad you got it sorted :D
did you tell your mum he might get a ticket in the post for her ;)

cheers for the patrts mate, emissions test tomorrow so we'll see.

well i told her i saw a copper sat there, but said i might have got done at around 80, let's hope the ticket doesn't come through for her with the actual speed on! oops :lol:
nah, i think i'm ok :cool:

cheers mate, will update tomorrow with emissions results, although i'm still predictin my cat's knackered too - won't be easy :rolleyes:
PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D :cool:

Well it went in again today, but was tested at 4pm so car was stood around all day, not hot after being caned - wasn't sure that'd help me. BUT, sailed through, no advisories on anything else and emissions totally fine!

:thumbs::woohoo::woohoo::thumb::thumbs::shades: :shades: :nana::nana::appl::nana::respect:


Also, made me giggle - the tester didn't seem too impressed after he'd said all that stuff about it being a mystery and something hard to find, i casually commented "oh, that's lucky - I just tried the first thing i thought of '! :lol: mwahahahaha

I'm gonna be anal now and ask about my emissions readings! :P here they are:

Fast idle test:

CO - 0.006 (max-0.200)
HC - 171 (max 200)
Lambda - 1.021 (max 1.030)

CO seems very good, the others are a little high, is that anything I can clean up for next years test, or am i being a fanny just expecting things to be a problem!

Anyway, all sorted now, one niggle is rear engine mount is screwed but nowt major - bring on several lined up mods. ;)

May do some celebratory photo-whoring soon as well :D

So cheers lads, coulda cost me loads without your wisdom ;) (please excuse my childish excitement in this post, thanks)
congrats man, bet thats a huge weight off your shoulders.

lol mine struggled through the MOT, CO was originally 0.700!!! god bless the screw on top of the FSE :D

Should fly through this time though as its only done 100 miles :)
awesome craig :D

high lambda usually means its taking in too much air, add more fuel in, but not too much as the CO goes up

Want some go Faster bits pal?

Yes definitely mate, i've pm'd again about defo having the whole hks thing etc. ;)

Sweet. Now your nerves can stop jangling and you can get on with enjoying the sunny roads!

haha, indeed! god you make me sound like a right whingin wet blanket! :lol: Not far off the mark to be fair. :P

@ wezz - if that's the case it sounds like - for the safety of my emissions test - i best get an fpr! :D No other reason of course!
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