Fiona's New N15...

What was the terminal? need more than power alone to get a good 1/4 mile time.

Do yourself a favour and visit Greg @ Protuner for a proper Nistune map.
Yeah i was originally going to him due to the good things i`d heard. Greg is based in the Midlands, and would save you over 2hrs on your journey.
The car still has a lot of weight in mate, SuperDans VE and Joes DE (when it pulled 14.3x) are both stripped out loads to get into 14s. Dont take this the wrong way including you in weight calculations, but just Fiona driving and car full stripped would probably be about 200kg lighter than it is atm, that would see a 14.xx I would imagine.
The issue is, Fiona tends to cook clutches easily, she had a few runs last fortnight and ended up overheating the clutch and got a 22 second but i intend to learn her before the new clutch goes in, I will let her cook this clutch before i put the new one in. We are also changing the gearbox also as it seriously crunches getting into first gear with it..and its a pain in the arse.

BUT a decision has been made, Engine comes out at the end of the summer and being rebuilt. We are upping the compression, changing the cams, doing headwork. Going to get the quote and an order from Gspec soon.

The guy we got the engine from has lied to us about so much stuff..and by going by the inside the state of the engine, it wouldnt put it past me if that VE has done well over 100k miles.

So i have asked my family to all chip in for a nice new digital snap-on Torque Wrench for me :)
I love the fact that its a joint effort and you both enjoy it so much!

"hey baby, i got you a new daily driver. so lets VVL this shit"

"oh stig, you so pimp"

Top work dude, awesome car :)
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