OK here goes, the starter button was connected to the ignition wire's direct on the ignition barrel not soldered just taped on.i have disconnected the push button and tried every key i have and it still does not work trying to start the car. I turn each key ignition lights up no ecu warning light flashing up. I think transponder ring is fucked or transponder chip or ecu?
Is it possible the push start was fitted for a reason ? maybe faulty ignition switch in the cranking position ? If you are worried about needing the car tomorrow put it back as it was and look at it another day.
I believe the push button for some reason was to by pass a faulty transponder i may be wrong tried replacing the push button it start's the car but blows the 10 amp fuse for the rear light's.
Please do. I had a similar issue with an Audi a few years back. I ended up switching it straight from the power feed to the starter motor. Bought a heavy duty switch from a local tractor garage and it was fine after that. Plus it was hidden so I was the only person who could start it.
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