Here's acouple of photos of afew little bits i've done to the car, nothing major yet! just thought i'd post before the long wait as the big bits get saved up for and done!
Most important mod, the private plates swapped from the GTi!
AOC Stickers fitted! had to hack them up and re-arrange the letters though or people would say 'why has that dick got almera owners club stickers on his NX? twat.' They can still say that of course, but i think they look cool, and i am still here! Decided just to have AOC and the hamburger as it was more subtle.
Took me around a day to do this, but I took the centre console apart and sprayed all the components seperatley, then masked off the dash from the rest of the car (took ages) and sprayed it black (flexible vinyl paint), the finish was really good but it seems everytime it gets knocked or stuff gets put on it the paint gets scratched off, I've recently found that the early carbed NX's had black interiors though so i'm going to look at one in a scrapyard tommorrow andmaybe come out with black dash/doorcards/rear bench/centre console/parcel shelf, and everything will look alot more modern!
First 'proper' mod, the front strut brace, from for a b13 sentra, cost me £36. Active Tuning in the US are in the process of making up some discrete rear struts for the b13 so should have one of those soon!
But that's it so far, The car's booked in for work on one rear arch to get rid of the rust, and also to spray the rear bumper as its scuffed badly, on the 17th of october, and the 2.25" s/s exhaust (everything but the manifold) with a 3" tip is booked in for the 24th of oct, in between i'll be trying to restore little bits and pieces while i decide if i want to tune the 1.6 (spending £1000's on getting about 130bhp) or spending <£300 on an SR20 conversion (and getting 143bhp). For some reason though i like the soun do fthe tuned 1.6, I dont know why!
Other things done include undersealing the full car (surprisingly rust free! apparently the most common cause of NX death is rusty top suspension mounts on the rear causin the srings to pop through
so glad that's ok!)
And i also sold the white alloys to Pea GTi and got these silver ones, white seemed a bit over the top on a tiny black coupe