dylan has offered me a vzr shell at scrap value, what is its scrap value though?
Prob 100-200 quid
dylan has offered me a vzr shell at scrap value, what is its scrap value though?
Prob 100-200 quid
even at that i dont have the money, im going on holiday, "saving" for a house and have bills to pay etc
Already then yes lol
The shell will be lacking in front breaks grill and rear lights, will be rolling on knackered shocks/spare set of knackered teins ill leave the stereo surround in, the clocks, the front lights, indicators(because they're held on by tec screws and cable ties lol)
In a nut shell everything bar the actual running gear and the few bits i mentioned
Are they GTI lights?
No they're VZR lights
Are they not the same? lol excuse my ignorance
me or chris? lol
Ill pass on that im afraid man